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12–13 Diciembre 2019
Córdoba, España


versión española


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9:30-10:00 Opening
Place: Assembly Hall
Welcome. President of the University of Cordoba
Aims and organization of the conference: Coordinators of the Joint Unit CSIC-UCO “Innovation, Transfer and Knowledge”

10:00 – 11:00 Public policies for knowledge transfer in the Spanish innovation system
Mrs. Ángeles Heras-Caballero, Secretary of State for Universities, Research and Development, and Innovation, Government of Spain

11:00 – 11:30 Coffee break

11:30 – 13:30 Symposium I: The evaluation of knowledge transfer and impact and the governance of science and innovation
Place: Assembly Hall
The evaluation of knowledge transfer and impact is at the interface between research and public policies. It is a growing multidisciplinary specialty of innovation studies and also a tool for organizing and governing research programmes and institutions. Synergies as well as well as decoupling between the state of knowledge and the practical implementation of evaluation in public policies are common, especially in a context of wider expectations about the social and economic benefits of publicly funded R&D. This symposium will analyze the current state of the art with a series of presentations about research streams to evaluate knowledge transfer and impact together with significant experiences in the international arena.

Chair: Jordi Molas Gallart (INGENIO, CSIC/UPV)

Keynote 1: Impact assessment and the evaluation of knowledge (or is technology?) transfer: past, present and future of a contested activity
Jordi Molas Gallart (INGENIO, CSIC/UPV)

Keynote 2: The public value of research and its relevance for innovation policy
Barry Bozeman (Arizona State University)

Keynote 3: Developing a conceptual framework for the ex-ante evaluation of impact in research funding proposals: a first empirical study
Paul Benneworth (Western Norway University of Applied Sciences and University of Twente)

13:30 – 15:30 Lunch break


15:30 – 17:00 Session 1: Frameworks and indicators for transfer evaluation (session in Spanish)
Places: Mudejar Hall

Chair: Enrique Orduña-Malea (Universitat Politècnica de València)

Designing Indicators for monitoring science education in scientifc policy in Europe: the case of Spain
Hania González-Urango (INGENIO CSIC-UPV); Mónica García Melón (INGENIO CSIC-UPV)

¿Cómo y porqué contribuye el aprendizaje-servicio a la transferencia de conocimiento con valor social?
Juan García Gutiérrez (UNED); Marta Ruíz Corbella (UNED)

El diseño de la evaluación del impacto a partir del modelo lógico-sistémico: los proyectos de I+D de transferencia tecnológica “Cervera”
María Ascensión Barajas Íñigo (CDTI); Oscar Franco (Means Evaluación)

Evolución en la configuración de los vínculos entre actores del Sistema Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación de Colombia: una aproximación desde el análisis de redes
Sandra Carolina Rivera-Torres (Universidad Nacional de Colombia)

15:30 – 17:00 Session 2: New prespectives on the transfer evaluation (session in English)
Places: Assembly Hall

Chair: Monica Gaughan (Arizona State University)

Academic research excellence and competitiveness (AREC): theorizing and operationalizing a new R&D evaluation framework
Julia Melkers (Georgia Institute of Technology); Eric Welch (Arizona State University)

Evaluating the potential of academic knowledge transfer outputs to create impact: developing a process credibility model
Paul Benneworth (Western Norway University of Applied Sciences); Elena Castro Martínez (INGENIO CSIC-UPV); Elea Giménez Toledo (IFS-CSIC); Julia Olmos Peñuela (Universidad de Valencia)

Between the Scyilla of rigour and the Charybdis of relevance: management scholars negotiating tricky knowledge transfer tides
Julia Olmos Peñuela (Universidad de Valencia); Paul Benneworth (Western Norway University of Applied Sciences); Imma Aleixos Borrás (INGENIO CSIC-UPV)

17:00 – 17:30 Coffee break

17:30 – 19:30 Symposium II: The measurement of knowledge transfer and impact: Alternative metrics
Places: Assembly Hall
Altmetrics allow us to measure how research outputs transcend the scholarly world by a series of uses and impacts in different domains. These metrics value the way in which the research papers impact on the public opinion (social networks), mass media (blogs and news), innovation (patents) or education (Wikipedia). This symposium will discuss the power of Altmetrics as a measurement instrument for knowledge transfer and the social understanding of science. It will discuss also the advantages and limitations of alternative metrics as a tool for research evaluation.

Moderator: José Luis Ortega (Joint Research Unit ITC, CSIC-UCO, IESA-CSIC)

Keynote 1: Which kinds of knowledge transfer can Altmetrics capture?
Mike Thelwall (University of Wolverhampton)

Keynote 2: Web indicators in a complex evaluation environment
Isidro Aguillo (Institute for Policies and Public Goods-CSIC)

Keynote 3: New perspectives in the understanding of scholarly communication and online scientific activities: applied social media metrics
Rodrigo Costas (CWTS-University of Leiden)
Social activity: Dinner (To be confirmed)



16:30 – 17:30 Session 3: The unexpected effects of research evaluation (sesion in Spanish)
Places: Mudejar Hall

Chair: Julia Olmos Peñuela (Universidad de Valencia)

Los efectos no previstos de la evaluación de la transferencia: un análisis del impacto de género
Olga Salido (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)

The impact research evaluation on practices of scientific knowledge production: a comparative study between history and chemistry
Carmen Corona-Sobrino (INGENIO CSIC-UPV); C. Cañibano (INGENIO CSIC-UPV)

El papel de la transferencia de conocimiento en los rankings globales: el caso del ranking Times Higher Education
Carmen Pérez-Esparrels (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid); Enrique Orduña-Malea (Universitat Politècnica de València)

De la calidad científica a la actividad de transferencia
Antonio González Molina (Universidad de Córdoba)

9:30 – 11:00 Session 4: Altmetrics as knowledge transfer indicators
Places: Cabinet Hall

Chair: Álvaro Cabezas (EC3-Metrics)

Comparando indicadores bibliométricos y altmétricos en una disciplina singular: arquitectura técnica
Joaquín Manuel Durán Álvarez (Universidad de Granada)

Impacto social de la producción científica UOC: un estudio de caso
Neus Milán Llorente (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya); María Boixadera-Ibern (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya); Sebastiano Giorgi Scalari (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)

Del publicar o perecer al difundir o desaparecer: Un análisis de métricas alternativas en revistas españolas de comunicación e información
Luis Javier Cabeza-Ramírez (Universidad de Córdoba); Sandra Sánchez-Cañizares (Universidad de Córdoba); Fernando J. Fuentes-García (Universidad de Córdoba)

Mapas de la ciencia a partir de Wikipedia: una visión del consumo y la transferencia de conocimiento en las plataformas sociales
Daniel Torres-Salinas (Universidad de Granada); Wenceslao Arroyo-Machado (Universidad de Granada)

11:00 – 11:30 Coffee break

11:30 – 13:30 Symposium III: The role of knowledge transfer and impact in current research evaluation agencies
Place: Mudejar Hall
As a result of claims for wider returns from public investment in science and innovation, research evaluation agencies are trying to use new tools to capture knowledge transfer when distributing resources to teams and institutions. They are also trying to use them in individuals for purposes of recruitment and promotion in scientific careers. However, agencies have to face challenges when implementing and legitimizing a variety procedure in combination with the traditional ways of judging academic science. This symposium will review significant experiences from evaluation agencies in individuals, teams and institutions and will discuss possibilities and limitations for a systematic use of knowledge transfer and impact assessment in innovation systems.

Chair: Manuel Fernández Esquinas (Joint Research Unit ITC, CSIC-UCO, IESA-CSIC)

Keynote 1: The evaluation of knowledge transfer in scientific careers: the experience of the Spanish “sexenios” for knowledge transfer
Salustiano Mato de la Iglesia (President of the Advisory Committee for the Evaluation of Knowledge Transfer, Vicepresident of the CRUE)

Keynote 2: University policies to promote knowledge transfer and territorial development: The ‘Galileo Programme’ of the University of Cordoba and its implication for research evaluation
Enrique Quesada-Moraga (Vice-president for Research and Territorial Development, University of Cordoba)

Keynote 3: University accreditations: possibilities to evaluate knowledge transfer and impact
(To be confirmed)

13:30 – 15:30 Lunch break


15:30 – 17:00 Session 5: Analysis of Non-standardarized transfer processes (session in Spanish)
Places: Mudejar Hall

Chair: Evaristo Jiménez Contreras (Universidad de Granada)

Criterios evaluación de la transferencia y el impacto: posibilidades de aplicación en profesorado universitario e investigadores
Evaristo Jiménez Contreras (Universidad de Granada)

El papel de las bibliotecas universitarias como servicios de apoyo a la evaluación de la transferencia y el impacto: el caso de la biblioteca/CRAI de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide
Ángel M. Delgado (Universidad Pablo de Olavide)

La aplicación del análisis cualitativo comparado (QCA) para evaluar la transferencia de conocimiento entre universidad y empresa: el caso de las PYMEs en un sistema local de innovación
María Isabel Sánchez Rodríguez (Joint Research Unit ITC, CSIC-UCO); José Antonio Pedraza-Rodríguez (Joint Research Unit ITC, CSIC-UCO); Manuel Fernández-Esquinas (Joint Research Unit ITC, CSIC-UCO); Rocío Muñoz Benito (Joint Research Unit ITC, CSIC-UCO)

Effects of specialization on research careers
Nicolas Robinson-García (University of Technology of Delft); Rodrigo Costas (CWTS-Leiden University); Cassidy R. Sugimoto (University of Indiana Bloomington); Vincent Larivière (Université de Montréal); Tina Nane (University of Technology of Delft)

15:30 – 17:00 Session 6: News sources and indicators for Altmetrics
Places: Cabinet Hall

Chair: Antonio González Molina (Universidad de Córdoba)

Propuesta de indicadores altmétricos de acuerdo a dimensiones y prevalencia
José Luís Ortega (IESA-CSIC)

Visualizando la discusión de comunidades de interés multisociales
Wenceslao Arroyo-Machado (Universidad de Granada); Daniel Torres-Salinas (Universidad de Granada); Nicolas Robinson-García (University of Technology of Delft)

A comparison of Scopus citations to Wikipedia, Britannica, Baidu Baike and Scholarpedia
Xuemei Li (University of York); Mike Thelwall (University of Wolverhampton)

Sharing patent documents on Twitter: an exploratory study of online metrics related to transfer impact
Cristina I. Font-Julián (Universitat Politècnica de València); José Antonio Ontalba-Ruipérez (Universitat Politècnica de València); Enrique Orduña-Malea (Universitat Politècnica de València)

17:00 - 17:30 Coffee break

17:30 – 18:30 Final remarks and closing
Place: Mudejar Hall
Conference conclusions: The challenge of the academic and scientific institutions facing the transfer evaluation

18:30 – 20:30 Social activity: Guided walkabout through Córdoba's Jewish quarter

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